I went to the library this afternoon to pick up books that I had on hold. Of course, I found more books than those to take home with me. I am glad that I did because I found the most beautiful, touching books about the person you will marry and money management for children.
The books are The Person I Marry: Things I'll Think about Long Before Saying "I Do" (Bright Future Books)
and The Jingle in My Pocket: Sound Money Principals Kids Can Bank on (Bright Future Books)
by Gary Bower and oil paintings by Jan Bower. I could not keep myself from smiling as I rode home in the car reading these books. Each page has a wonderful painting and a rhyme about values that I want my children to learn and cherish. My husband is driving and all he can hear from me is “This is so sweet” and “I have to this book in my library”. This behavior confirms for him that I am Matilda from the 1996 movie titled Matilda. The girl loved to read and my husband calls me Matilda from time to time when I am engrossed in a book or being overly excited about a book I am reading. Let’s get back to the reason for my blog today. These wonderful, exciting, beautifully illustrated books…
The Person I Will Marry helps children think about qualities they should look for in a future spouse. I will tell my kids to use this checklist of traits to pick their friends as well. The books sends the message that your future spouse should be gentle, kind, fun, courageous, optimistic, generous, patient, honest, believes in God and looks to Him for guidance.
The Jingle in my Pocket lets kids know that good, old-fashioned work is necessary if you want to have the jingle in your pocket. All the money is mine or is it? The book reminds children and ME that God gave me the ability to work and earn money so I should give some money to Him. Kids are offered ideas on how to earn money with old-fashioned stuff like wash your parent’s car or walk your neighbor’s dog. Kids are taught to save and stay out of debt.
Does this sound like too much for young children to learn? I do not think so. The author uses rhymes and paintings throughout the book to teach and leaves the rest to the parents to continue the lesson.
We should take these books to the street and teach it to grown folks who did not get the lesson while growing up or forgot that there is a better way. There is a better way that many have not adhered to for their relationships and money. Let’s give our children wisdom so they can avoid the mistakes we made so they can truly have a better life rich with values and integrity.
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