Friday, July 6, 2012

My Reading List for 2012

I know the year is half over, but I decided to write my reading list for the rest of 2012.  The idea came from SarahMae.

Here is my plan for the rest of the year...

Every day I try to follow the Psalms and Proverbs reading plan from YouVersion.


Fresh-Brewed Life Revised & Updated: A Stirring Invitation to Wake Up Your Soul by Nicole Johnson


Dug Down Deep: Building Your Life on Truths That Last by Joshua Harris

Submerged (Alaskan Courage) by Dani Pettrey

Android Application Development For Dummies by Donn Felker


The Good Wife's Guide: Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet by Darlene Schacht

The Power of Small: Think Small to Live Large by Jennifer Kennedy Dean


When Ye Pray by Joy Haney


Eat Mor Chikin: Inspire More People by S. Truett Cathy

Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving by Lorilee Craker


Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy by Gary Thomas

I would also like to read Anne of Green Gables again.  I read the latest post from Blogging with Amy today and I also want to read The 100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future.  There are many more books that I want to read and they will remain on my wish list until 2013.


  1. Great book list, Melissa! Thanks for visiting me at Doorkeeper. Blessings!

  2. Melissa,
    I discovered your blog through You have quite an impressive reading list for the remainder of the year. Wanted to tell you that I read the novel Submerged and also reviewed it last month on my blog I think you will enjoy the book. I review mostly Christian and inspirational reads.
    Hope you stop by my blog sometime. I will continue to check in on yours.

    1. I am reading Submerged and I am really enjoying it. Alaska was not a place that I really considered as a vacation destination, but this book makes me reconsider. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Melissa, I just realized that I gave you an incorrect address for my blog. It is
    Still hope you drop by.
