Last night, I stepped down on something and my foot went one way and my body went the other way. My ankle seems to be strained. I have been limping all day. Tonight, I asked my oldest daughter to say her prayers before getting into bed. She said that she had to do something first. She got her sister, brother and dad to come in her room. I was told to stand in the center of the room while they joined hands to form a circle around me. Each one of them prayed for me so that I could feel better. I was truly touched by their prayers and the faith that my little ones have in God. They believe their prayers matter. I thank God for each one of them.
I should not be surprised by what they did. My husband and I regularly include them in praying for others. Last year, we we told them their uncle was sick and needed our prayers. Jeremiah, Jasmine and Madie offered a quick prayer on his behalf right away and before they got into bed. One time we were going out of town and we were caught in a bad storm. The rain was so heavy that it was hard for my husband to see clearly. My oldest daughter, Jasmine, started to pray and asked God to "help daddy drive". The rain slowed down much to our relief after her prayer. She was so happy that God heard her and she knows that prayer works. My youngest, Madie, likes to offer quick prayers anywhere and drop a few words of wisdom. Her little cousin was sick and she prayed for him and then continued to eat her snack. I remember another time when I was trying to stop potential panic on the school bus that I drive by getting rid of a bug before the students got on. I became scared myself and screamed when the bug flew towards me. Madie asked did I need God. I said yes. She said that He is already here. My children are a wonder and a gift from God. They do not pray long prayers. The prayers may not be perfect English, but they are filled with faith. Although I have a group of women that I call with my prayer requests, I have little prayer warriors right here in my home. I pray that the Lord will increase their faith and that they will never let go of the awe and joy of talking to God.
1000 Perfect Weekends
2 years ago
I used the book What Happens When I Talk to God?: The Power of Prayer for Boys and Girls by Stormie Omartian to help my kids better understand prayer. They can read one page and it gives them an idea about what to pray about. I plan to write a review of it soon on my blog.